Children and Youth

We are committed as a community of faith to play a vital role in shaping the spiritual growth and development of children and youth as full members of the household of God. In our children, youth and family ministries we seek to form:

  • Joyful Christians who know that God loves them, that God delights in them, and who revel in delight wherever and whenever it is to be found.

  • Humble Christians who look with awe and wonder at the vastness of God’s work and the limitlessness of God’s love; and who recognize the limits of their imagination and action.

  • Curious Christians who always engage their hearts along with their minds.

  • Generous Christians who share what they have and who they are in service to God in others.

  • Courageous Christians who will stand with those who are marginalized and persevere in striving towards ideals of justice and compassion, even when they are hard, when there is a cost, and when failure is more likely than success.

We believe that these traits are nurtured through three types of activities for children, youth and families: Learning, play, and service.

We plan our program year to ensure that these three modes of spiritual formation are kept in balance in ways that are appropriate to age and phases of development. We believe that prayer and worship both fit into the three categories above.  

  • We teach and encourage an open and expansive understanding of prayer and worship.

  • We believe prayer should be playful.

  • We view worship as an opportunity to learn how we might become loving servants of others, for God’s sake.

Learning – Play – Service

Through Learning – Play – Service, the Children, Youth and Family Ministries at the Cathedral offer a rich mix of age-appropriate activities and projects throughout the year, as we seek to form joyful, curious, and courageous Christians.

Contact us on to find out more about Sunday School and Youth program and meeting times.

Children’s and Youth Choirs

The Children’s and Youth Choirs are open to all ages 8 to 18 and provide training in vocal production, music theory, sight-singing, and more.